Here's what you need:
-Heavy white paper like cardstock.
-Empty picture frame.
-Lipsticks in a variety of shades. I used Avon lipsticks!
-Wet wipes to clean lips.
-Lips (of course)! 💋
I made two frames. I did pink/red shades in one and purples in another. First I cut my cardstock to the size of the fame by tracing around the back of the frame. Then I applied my first color and kissed away! I started with the lightest color and then went darker from there. I used a wet wipe to clean off the previous color before applying a new shade.
Tip - I messed up the first one by using too much product at one time so cut an extra piece of cardstock just in case.
So cute, right? Check out the original: Lip Print Wall Art by P.S. I Made This...